Monday, December 29, 2008

The Water, The Carpet & The Plumber's Butt

I guess I should have seen it coming. We made it through Christmas; everyone safe and sound. Everyone had a joyous and Merry Christmas. Then the silence. Oh it is always the silence that one should heed warning from impending doom. Of course if you're me, it always seems to hit right after some major monetary output, oh say... Christmas. It is cold outside, the fire is warm to sit by, but the gross, cold squishy feeling of the wet carpet under my feet as I walk to the kitchen was just not in the holiday plans. Yes, a pipe has burst. OMG, the horror...

So I call my pals over at my favorite plumbers shop, because I cannot handle a job of this magnitude. They send me a very nice man. Honestly, he is a very gregarious, 300+ lbs, red neck fellow from Roswell, NM and funny to boot. But, yeah, he has the ever feared butt crack thing working. No, this guy is not the plumber from Wisteria lane. Mind you, I am not looking, but every time he asks to show me where my problem is, he turns away from me, thus, up staging me with his size 56 inch (guessing), plumber's butt. My God man, can't you just verbalize the said problem, tell me my damage and maybe some options, and move on with the fix. This is definitely the elephant in the room for the day. But guys just do not tell guys to pull up their trousers. It is an unspoken code. I think. I just want the water to quit spewing from the side of the house and get back to normal. So, lucky me, I stare a $400 fix in the eye and my new plumber friend has seared this picture of near unspeakable horror in my mind for who knows how long? I am stuck alone this week to sit with my thoughts and let this one stew, as my kids have taken a very last moment trip.

All I want for my birthday is therapy, and lots of it. At least I saved you the horror. I do not dare ask, nor even wonder what else is in store for me this week.


Cajoh said...

How come plumbing problems always happen on the holidays. I now have had two Thanksgivings when the kitchen sink broke. Low and behold this Christmas Eve, the neighbor to whom we share a common drain pipe rings the doorbell to tell us to not use the kitchen sink because it's leaking in their basement. They finally called in a plumber over the weekend and it's still broke to this day… I smell blog fodder coming on.

Unknown said...

Lol. You could have tossed quarters at the crack and maybe he would have gotten the hint.

Jay @halftime lessons said...


Ouch to the bill,
Ouch to the crack.

Geri said...

I love plumbers crack!! OMG that stinks...not the crack but the pipe burst!!

Brittany said...

Ugh, why is it always something, and yet NEVER something cheap! I agree with Heinous, I would have tried to toss quarters in his crack.