All told about 8 inches at 5pm. Beauty Eh? More to come they say.

Finally we got rid of the rain and got snow!!! With the daytime high expected to be around 31, which was at 7am this morning, our current temp is a balmy 28, headed for 18 with hardly any wind, making it toasty warm.
Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely love the snow. Probably why my first job out of college was on the ski patrol at Park West, now The Canyons outside Salt Lake City. Snow provides such a beautiful blanket over the landscape, and is so peaceful. Hey Mom, note the snow wall that has begun from shoveling. (a family thing)

The kids have been out playing in the wintry wonderland for hours. When I asked if they wanted to come in for some warm lunch and take a break (dumb question for an 8 & 5 yr old) I got the look of disgust.
" No way dad, we have way too much to do."
I feel sorry for those poor suckers that have no clue on how to drive/navigate in these conditions. Just don't hit me, you flat-land, no driving skills geeks. Even some of the news channels preempt regular programming for most of the day to cover the "Arctic Blast". The entire region comes to a halt...it kinda makes me laugh. What are we talking about here, snow? They are predicting that we will not break 32 this week in Portland and more snow on the way. Maybe we will have our first white Christmas since moving here. It's snowylicious!

Gorgeous shots, and BRRR!! White Christmas!
We had snow, but then it rained over the weekend and it all went away. But it's snowing now… Yea.
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