Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Thousand Words Thursday

As most of you know the premise behind ATWT is, as the CEO of ATWT said,

"Every Thursday I am going to post a picture that is powerful, that expresses emotion, and speaks volumes to me." The Mom Jen

On this Thursday I choose to be thankful as I am everyday for my every growing little man. These photos were taken Nov. 2007 before and after he had a thyroglossal duct cyst removed and then an additional surgery 7 days later to remove some straggling tissue and massive infection. The doctors and staff at the Doernbecker Children's Hospital were awesome. I do not know who was more scared, little man or his mother and me? The "Hugs & Kisses Corner", directly before entering the operating room, was a parental learning curve for which I was ill prepared. That was not in the owners' manual.

I love this little guy with every fiber of my being. I am thankful.

Cheaper Than Therapy


Deb said...

what a brave, awesome little guy! doesn't sound like a whole lotta fun...

Andrea Frederick said...'s so hard to see them hurt or sick isn't it!?

Candy Graber said...

Wow, its so hard when our babies are sick. How is he doing now?

Faith said...

Whenever my kids are sick or hurt I'm always more upset about it than they are. Glad I'm not the only one!

Bree Shaw said...

i don't know why they didn't put that in the owners manual. it is the hardest thing in the world to see them wheel them off to surgery and knowing that you can't be right there next to them to protect them is the worst. i had to hold one of mine while they put him out for a surgery! that was the HARDEST thing in the world to do!

Colleen said...

looks very scary! Its hard watching the little ones go through things adults have a hard time with!

Halftime Lessons said...

Oh wow...what a thing to go through, T...glad he's ok!!


MOMMY-MOMO said...

what a trooper! poor lil guy :(

Ash said...

Oh. my.

Poor everyone!!

I cried like a baby when they wheeled both my boys away, for tubes.

I think the doc thought I was a complete whacko.

So thankful things are better for your little man.

Amy W said...

Thanks again, Tony, for being so supportive when I was going through this same situation with my little Animal. It meant the world to me that you'd share your experience to help me get through the anxiety and fear that I was going through. :) So glad everything worked out for our little guys!!

The Mom Jen said...

Oh wow Tony, what a hard time, but thanks for sharing, poor little guy. I have to remember when I'm in my pity party for the little things that their are people in bigger pain! HUGS, hope he's all better!