So as most of you who have not been living under a rock somewhere know, we have pirates on the high seas again. Yes, your ears did not fail you. Pirates. Somali, that is. Scooting across the waters in what looks like large bath tubs held together by duct tape, tarps and chewing gum. This, providing a mounting concern worldwide over how to end the escalating attacks off the Horn of Africa against huge cargo ships. So we have the old Hummer vs. Kia. Who should win? Screeeeeech.......
Hold the hell up. These are punks from a war torn country in boats that are 1/40th the size of the cargo freighters they are over taking. I have a problem with this. Come on shipping companies, why not pay Blackwater to protect your ships rather than pay some exorbitant ransom? To allow this to even become a worldwide issue is just not acceptable. Hell, the Frenchies should be able to handle this and that is saying something about the wine swilling ostriches we have saved twice in major world conflict. No kidding. MSNBC actually had the title to their story "France is fighting back". I laughed my ass off when I read that. France fight? Come on, over what? Who gets the first round of escargot? I thought the only things France was trying to crush were Lance Armstrong and a magnum of Merlot. I had to laugh when a Somali official (is there such a thing? There has been no true governmental order over there for 20+ yrs) stated today that if the U.S. gave them money they could attack the problem and get resolution. Hmm. Yeah and his close pal has $28M he wants me to help him move out of his country into my bank account because I have a distant relative that has passed away and left this money to me. (You know the BS scam e-mails you get from Sir Edward Johanson.) Where do we sign up? Kiss our ass.
Anyway, I think the following picture is self explanatory. Somali pirates must be doing meth and drinking too much to start making threats against anyone, and if the world does not just squash this issue and end it we are foolish. For anyone who is not versed in what it takes to make a shot like this here you go. When a sniper takes a shot, there are countless variables to consider before squeezing the trigger --- wind speed, wind direction, range, target movement, mirage, light source, temperature, barometric pressure, humidity and that's just the beginning. Keep making threats Somali's, these fine U.S. men can do this all day long. Bush's Military rocks!!

On a parting note in response to Tax day yesterday. Hey O, "Give Me Liberty, Not Debt."
Keep On Rockin' In The Free World

i know... i think it's gone way too far and gotten way out of control.
oh, and sir edward has contacted you, too? i thought i was the only one getting to share in the profits. now i am rethinking giving him my bank acct info.
LOVE the picture and caption! It makes me all warm and fuzzy. Screw bunnies and baby chicks. Give me a naval sharpshooter in my easter basket. And cadbury eggs. They really make me warm and fuzzy...
OMFG Snipers are the coolest thing ever. And I mean EVER.
I tried to explain to my wife what was involved in those 3 shots, and she just glazed over.
That picture and caption is OUTSTANDING.
Hail to the sniper. Keeping the peace from up to a mile away.
I think that pirates have been around for a very long time, it is just recently that they have come into media attention.
I'm right with you. They need to hire someone to be on the boats and shoot the pirates out of the water.
Everytime I read about ANOTHER Somali pirate ship overtaking cargo I just shake my head. How?
dude, you are so right!! why take this crap from these punks?? got better things to do than worry about it!! blast 'em the hell outta the water and call it a day already!!!
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