"Tagged?" I asked.
"What the bloody hell is tagged?"
Well, thanks to my wonderful new friend Deb at dirtysocksandpizza. If you have not visited her blog you must. She is very witty and fun to read. I almost busted a gut reading her post: My Spiritual Journey: Finding My Inner To-Do List. I now understand the Blogology term of being "Tagged".
BLOGIPEDIA: Tagged: Blog 6 things people don't know about you and tag 6 other people from Twitter or Blogs. Then mention here that you wrote the post so we can visit you.
Now that you know the deal, let's get jiggy with it:
1. I was fortunate enough to carry the Olympic Torch the evening before the opening ceremonies of the 2002 Winter Olympic Games in Salt Lake City. I passed the flame onto Tristan Gale who eventually won Gold for the U.S. in women's skeleton. Then, my wife and I had the chance to ride the Park City, Utah Olympic Bobsled track with 2 U.S. Olympic Bobsled members. We cruised about 75 mph while pulling 6G's ( G-forces )in each corner. Wow! Only need to do that once. Probably the longest 31 seconds in my life.
2. I love sushi; especially sashimi. I have been known to scare the sushi chef as I can eat it like a killer whale.
3.I have a Master's Degree in Organizational Management. Much like my posts on my blog I could not have done it without my trusted Chief Editor and lovely wife, Colleen. I can write; I am just admittedly terrible with punctuation and grammer. Thank God for spell-check, too.
4. I am 100% Swedish. Yaah. "Lampor lyser, men ingen är hemma." Hmmm... you figure it out. Ok, I'll let you know. Loosely translated it means "lights are on, but no one is home."
5. I played defensive back at Virgina Tech University from 1988-1990. Yes, I ensured that I took full advantage of the gift of scholarship. I was actually a student athlete and graduated! I know that God is a Hokie because the leaves turn maroon & orange each fall.
6. I am a worrier. Yes, I worry incessently about everything and anything. I know it is not healthy or helpful, but I can't seem to help myself. I am exactly like my Dad. A neurotic raccoon with a type A personality. Everything has its place, time and purpose and they'd better not get out of order or synchronization. It would be bad. Now, my wonderful wife on the other hand, grounds me. She does not have a worry in the world. Seriously, she is a stone. She always tells me "oh honey, it always works out, or "why are you wasting so much energy on this?" I certainly married up.
So I am told there is a lot of flexibility in this little exercise. Good thing, because I am so new in this Blogosphere that I don't have 6 fellow bloggers I could tag without them thinking I am a blog stalker.
I'm tagging...well, no one for now.
YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!! you did great! and, i learned a lot about you that piqued my interest. mainly, that you are a hokie. it's on my younger son's short list of schools to attend (he still has a while, but his 6th grade teacher is a hokie and he adores her).
now see? you took the option not to tag anyone, and you can sit back, with that little power play, and use it whenever (or IF ever), you'd like.
very well done. A+
Youre not kidding you married up!! ;-)
Give her a big hug for me!!
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