Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A Thousand Word Thursday

Mr. J is our resident paleontologist and comic.

A few years back, but... Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome Drew Carrey to the stage.

That is one of my favorite photos of the crazy, wild man in training.

Cheaper Than Therapy


Deb said...

oh, now he is too cute! what is it with little boys and dinosaurs?

Bree Shaw said...

what a great looking dinosaur you have:)

Halftime Lessons said...


Drew Carrey...hilarious...nice glasses.

jo@blog-diggidy said...

aaww, how cute is that?? what a nice young man you have there!

Anonymous said...

He is so handsome!

Andrea Frederick said...

very believable dinosaur! he's too cute!

April said...

That dinosaur is SCARY! Happy ATWT!

The Mom Jen said...

Handsome dude, Comedian, palentologist, and heartbreaker all in one!

Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

Oh my gosh... you should send that picture in to Drew!