Saturday, February 7, 2009

Join The Ride - Spread The Word

On Saturday, February 7th at 11:00 a.m., the Whitt Family is holding a celebration in Parker, Colorado. They're having a wagon and bike parade to honor Tuesday with one of her favorite things to do - "wagie rides."

We all can't be there physically, but we can be there in spirit.

The goal is to create a virtual parade for Tuesday, to show her family and friends how her brief life touched so many. To offer support in their time of need. And to maybe bring a smile.

Find your way to join the ride in Tuesday's honor.


Ash said...

Thanks Tony!!!! We appreciate you coming along for the ride. Em

Ali said...

Loving and praying for this precious family. Tuesday has joined the angels!

Jenni said...

We were there is spirit!

Dani said...

Hi this is Daniele, Todd Vicks wife. You can find me at I tried to follow you but the link was not there...

debi9kids said...

Thank you for reminding people to join in.
I was able to be there to celebrate with the Whitt family in CO and I know they are blown away by all of the love and support.
Thank you!
~ Debi