So it is the season for giving thanks. How do you actually give thanks? Here, I am going to give you thanks. Hmm, It just does not sound right. Well unless Publishers Clearing House decides to show up at my door and give me $10mil. in thanks for invading my email everyday with their empty promises. (Oh and don't forget to bring an apple pie.)Now that would be giving thanks.I have never understood this concept as I believe we should show thanks on a daily basis, but whatever. So help me understand, for a day the Indians and pilgrims put down their guns and arrows and broke bread with each other and showed love? Then the next day they got up at 3am to be at Target for the sale? Oh mean started fighting again. It is kind of like the whole Valentines Day gig. One day of the year we show we love the one your with? What? What a bunch of crap that "holiday" is. Ok do not get me started. Stay focused.
I am thankful for life and my family & friends. Now usually on Thanksgiving we eat like real men. This meaning for as long as I can remember my father cooked a 20lb rock salt prime rib roast for this day of gluttony.
( fill bottom of roasting pan with rock salt- put said roast in, now cover the roast with rock salt so you have about an inch of coverage all the way around. Spray the rock salt with water to help create a cocoon. Roast at 500 degrees for 15 minutes per pound or until the roast temp is 135. Take out and enjoy.)
I took this tradition with me on my journey of building my own family. This year however I have been out voted by the conservative democrats ( wife and kids ) and have to cook a freaking traditional turkey. I hate turkey. I am all about pardoning the damn turkey and moving onto some real grub. I need my well marbled knock the horns off, sear it on both sides and I will do the rest prime rib.

I guess I might make it. I will cook a nice Fillet Mignon for myself. I truly hope that after this bird debacle year my kids will come to their senses. The roast beast is best!!!! It could be worse I could be stuck with a Turdurken or rocky mountain oysters. So I am thankful I have the bounty I have. Have a wonderful , safe Thanksgiving.

yes, i never thought i would say it, but be thankful for turkey. surely you'll get to do your meat fest at christmas?
I quote Arthur..."I am thankful I got the smallest piece of meatloaf."
Turkey isn't so bad and what other holidays give you food and football? (okay maybe New Years Day). Be careful, the combination of the Lions and turkey will put you to sleep really fast.
i know what you are thankful for today!!!! congratulations!
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