I know, I know, I have bloggy absent for some time. I have been in all the places about and more with 48hrs a week mixed in at home with my beloved family. Yes you read it correctly I get 48 hours a week with my kids and my wife. It has been this way for roughly 6 1/2 months. Update we are moving to Utah- hopefully soon. I love my new job even despite the brutal commute, but as I tell Alayna who will be 10 this summer, it is not our permanent reality.
What is a permanent reality is that while I have been traveling and ensuring that my family has a roof over their head, food on the table and rebuilding my IED destroyed financial dream, Alayna & Jordan have been growing up without my eyes vs. before my eyes. I came home a few weeks ago to find that Alayna had stripped her princess stuff off her walls and put up Carrie Underwood posters. ( could be worse, way worse.At least C. underwood is easy on the eyes and a great voice to boot) But the real kicker was when I went to do my laundry so I had clothes to repack in 24hrs. I walk into the laundry room and placed upon a towel on top of the dryer is a set of very small looking tank tops. I thought someone had shrunk my sons tank tops.. Nooooo.
Me-"Honey, what are these items on the dryer?"
Wife- " Laughing, Oh those are Alayna's new training bras."
Me- " Say What? When? What the? How? Come on.. Really?"
Me- " Are we out of scotch?"
So later that night my wife takes the opportunity to say,
"See honey,look, she is growing up."
I look over not thinking, only to catch a glimpse of my young daughters new found maturity. Now I know this happens to all little girls. It is part of life and growing. But what happened to my little girl whom I used to hold like a football close to my heart and rock to sleep? Point being I have missed so much, and these little surprises are just startling to me. A friend of mine Jessica Bern told me that her dad used travel all the time with his job and it did not make her love him any less. In fact I really respected his hard wrok for us.
(Jessica I paraphrased a bit, but I think I got most of it.)
Thanks, the thoughts did make me feel a bit of comfort.
I mean even my little man Jordan has sprouted in height and his so very grown way of expressing himself and speaking to me. I guess it is time to prep my birds and bees approach and speech. Damn, soon they will be asking for the car, extra lunch money or worse to go on a date. ( note to self, buy shotgun shells, wife beater tee-shirts and keep working out.)
I guess this is all inevitable. I just hoped I would be there when it all happened. Big ups to my awesome wife for keeping this crazy band of hooligans in line, homework done, mouths fed, and some sense of normalcy during this interesting time.
Well back to my hotel room and a good workout. Down 22lbs since October. Soon to have my girlish figure back. Maybe I will run into you on my travels. If I do, I need a hug.
Keep On Rock'in In The Free World

I'm a mother with my daughters ALL the time and their growth spurts still shock the living daylights out of me... Did WE grow so fast? I don't think so!
Cute post Tony. Glad to hear that the family will be 1 again soon! Hope you are well!
it sucks to have to make a choice b/w putting food on the table and seeing our kids grow moment by moment but like so many today, it's just not possible.
You got the idea right, about my dad. He did what he needed to do to keep us clothed, sheltered and educated and you can't get upset for that.
oh my friend... i can tell your temporary situation is getting old. i feel for you and can empathize. hubby lived away from us for 11 months. he missed a lot, but it got us where we are today-- together and happy and in a much better location. hang tough.
thanks for checking in with us.
Awesome post. I'm glad you'll all be together again soon and in Utah! I LOVE Colleen and can't wait to meet your kiddos. Have a good weekend.
just stopped by to say hi! my husband and i are originally from southern oregon but stayed here in kentucky after he retired from the army. enjoyed reading through many of your post and the bad company was a nice touch, too! i'll be back, nice to find a decent read from a fella who loves his life and everyone/thing in it :)
nice blog,... great
I'm glad I stopped by! It's been a long time - I haven't been by because your posts were fewer and further between (very understandably). I thought I'd see if there was anything new -- you are so very right about the kiddos growing up. I had to buy similar items for Laura recently, and she no longer wants to shop at Gymboree (there have only been a few things in the past year that weren't too "little-girly" at Gymboree anyway in the past couple of years) -- or even GAP kids! No, she wants to shop at Aeropostale and Hollister!!! We finally went in last week and yes, the shirts and sweatshirts do fit!! Haven't tried the smallest size jeans yet. I'm afraid to. And I might as well just buy Elliot's stuff in the young men's section from now on, because youth XL shirts are almost too small and the kids' jeans are getting short. He's my height now and is mowing Grandma's and our lawn this summer. Grandma's neighbors have offered him mowing jobs, too! All he talks about is the cool truck he wants to buy when he turns 16. The little kids have indeed disappeared! We will have to leave it to Jordan to keep them young for another year or so! The kids want to visit you in Utah when you move there - they are already talking about it! Take care! Love, Christy
I love your blog..I think..it´s perfect. I´m from Spain and I like all Oregon´s things..Thanks to continue writting!
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