So lets do this. We live in a Mad Mad World these days. I am not sure that moon hangs as high as it used to? I do not know if the sun really wants to shine anymore. I just don't know. Do you? I do know the rain is not going to wash away our countries troubles and to hide behind any ill accepted idea that our government is going to be able to fix this is foolhardy at best. Our happiness is not a map that lands on our door step each morning. It is our personal choice.
With this said,Our faces are a map of the world, our world. I think we all need to make a concerted effort and attempt to resurrect our mad worlds from this cess pool of a bovine balderdash economy and find a ray of hope, a new garden path or new personal plan to boldly move forward with on our own as neighborhoods and communities. Pay it forward no matter how small the action. Smile at someone when you may not have. Choose to be happy even if you feel frustrated and helpless. I promise you it will pay your psyche back in spades. God Bless you all.
I had the opportunity to spend lunch and recess with my 6yr old son today. What a cathartic and insightful time. The politics of the playground came shining through. Much like our adult world the playground has politics and a pecking order. Sad yes, but true. I took the chance to teach 20 boys how to throw a football properly ( they may never get that at home ). Sad but true. I chose to make sure that each kid got the chance to throw and feel for even a small moment like they were the star. After 30 minutes of this the mood and attitude of the alpha boys changed for the better. Maybe just because I was there, but they began to share with the smaller kids and cheer them on. If only for a small window of time it felt as though the tables were set evenly. I tried to impress upon these young lads that each of them had skills and by sharing they could become better individually and help their classmates become better. Without knowing the teacher had watched me paint this picture, she approached me after the bell rang and gave me a hug and told me how beautiful it was to see the kids get it and actually play together rather than the old traditional playground politics. The resounding lesson is that it only takes a few minutes to stop our crazy mad fast paced lives and teach a child. Their smiles as they feel the new confidence and success are such a great thank you. Pay it forward...
Keep On Rockin In The Free World

you are such a special soul and i am so honored to 'know' you. you need to get your butt back here and do this more often. your words and thoughts are very powerful and you back them up with your actions. very rare these days.
dude, I'm so jealous! you have an amazing blog, and even when you write anyone who's reading can tell that you're an amazing person! (the Bourne series is awesome by the way, points for that, haha) and "ass hat" is officially my favorite =P
-annoymous person who looks up to you for being able to put so much emotion into your words
Thank you. I found your blog today and was heartened by it.
I like your particular harbor- and appreciate you sharing it.
Amen, my dear gentleman.
I wish our boys went to school together.
Genial fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.
oregonelkhorns.blogspot.com; You saved my day again.
We all need a great roll-model once in a while no matter the age.
I think you should be a teacher! Love your blog!!!!
I like you. Lol, I see you haven't been on here for a while. And I just ran across you by pushing 'next blog' a few times on someone else's I had seen. But how nice for all of us to see adult men who think, feel and share. Who understand the power they have in small actions. I've gotten caught up in some of my own families drama, and forgot this. Thank you so much for reminding me. I hope your life is moved and settled soon....so you can write again. I'm bookmarking you! Lol!
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